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Commands Guide

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Commands Guide

Player Commands

::home - teleports you to the home area
::melee - Teleports you to the melee NPCs with a shop of starting melee gear
::range - teleports you to the range NPCs with a shop of some starter range gear
::mage - teleports you the mage NPCs with a shop of starter mage gear!
::dr - shows your current droprate
::players - tells you how many players are online currently
::discord - opens up the discord of Asteria
::vote - links you to the vote page
::voted - claims your votes
::donate - opens up the online donator store!
::donated or ::claim - claims your donation from the store!
::dissolveall or (ctrl + d) dissolves all dissolvable items in your inventory
::ckeys - teleports you to the crystal chest
::whatdrops (item name) - tells you what NPCs drop that item
::dropmessage - removes the messages of drops going to your inv/bank
::help - requests assistance from the staff members online.
::yell - sends a global message in-game
::vasa2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Vasa area
::gemstone2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Gemstone Slayer dungeon
::cursed2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Cursed Slayer dungeon
::betrayed2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Betrayed Slayer dungeon
::odin2-6 - teleports you to a different level of the Blood Odins zone
::mega2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Mega Avatar zone
::answer (message) - answer the trivia questions!
::afk - teleports you to the afk zone!
::guides - opens up the page of guides we have!
::updates - opens up our page of updates!
::setyelltitle - allows you to set a custom yell title


Interface Commands

::kills - opens up the kill tracker interface
::pos - opens up the player owned shops interface
::teleport - opens up the monster teleports interface
::upgrade - opens up the upgrade interface
::slayer - opens up the progression book interface
::drops - opens the loot viewer interface for npcs
::collection - opens up the collection log interface
::itemstats - opens the list of item stats interface
::yt - opens up the YouTuber interface showing all the recently uploaded videos on YT
::train - opens up the starter interface with a few teleport options to train at!
::enterpin - opens interface to input your pin
::changepass - opens up an interface to change your password!
::setloginpin - allows you to set a pin if you don't have one!
::zones - opens the zone interface
::perks - opens up the perk system interface
::globals - shows you the timers of all global bosses
::bank or (ctrl + b) opens up your bank ($50 total claimed required)


Shortcut Commands

ctrl+h - Teleports Home
ctrl+b - Opens Bank
ctrl+p - Open POS
ctrl+z - Opens Zones
ctrl+t - Opens Teleports
ctrl+a - Alchs ALL Inventory
ctrl+u - Opens Upgrades
ctrl+s - Opens Battle Pass
ctrl+d - Opens Daily Tasks
ctrl+c - Opens Collection Log



Donator Commands

::zenyte - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Zenyte rank required)
::onyx - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Onyx rank required)
::diamond - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Diamond rank required)
::ruby - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Ruby rank required)
::emerald - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Emerald rank required)
::sapphire - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Sapphire rank required)
::enpcs - teleports you to a zone with Creepers and Skeletons (Ruby Rank required)
::snpcs - teleports you to a zone with Shukarhazh and Mini Zulrahs (emerald rank required)
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