Zeke 9 Posted December 13, 2022 Starter Guide First of all, these are the commands of Arrav. This guide will be explaining what each of the commands do. ::help (Notifies all online staff that you need help) ::home or ctrl+h (Teleports you home) ::Teleport or ctrl+t (Opens the Teleport interface) ::bank or ctrl+b (You must be emerald donator and above to use this command) ::pos or ctrl+p (Opens the player owned shop, this command can only be used by emerald and above ranks as well) ::zones or ctrl+z (Opens the Zones interface, showing all zone requirement) ::alchall or ctrl+a (Lets you dissolve all dissolvable items in your inventory, please keep in mind to not use this command if you have important stuff in inventory) ::stats (Opens up the Items Stats interface. This interface shows the top 100 weapons in different categories and their stats) ::afk (Teleports you to afk stalls, you can have up to 2 accounts at afk) ::drops (Opens the Drop Table interface, you can search any monster and see their drop table) ::Collection or ctrl+c (Opens the Collection Log) ::whatdrops item name (Shows you what monsters drop the item you're looking for) for example; ::whatdrops supreme attachment Game-modes Normal: No Trade Restrictions | Normal XP Rates | 0% Drop Rate Bonus Veteran: No Trade Restrictions | 5X Lower XP Rates | 15% Drop Rate Bonus Ironman: Trade Restricted | Normal XP Rates | 10% Drop Rate Bonus Ultimate Ironman: Trade Restricted and Bank Restricted | Normal XP Rates | 10% Drop Rate Bonus Group Iron: Trade Restricted outside of Members in your Group | Normal XP Rates | 10% Drop Rate Bonus Discord Integration Linking your in-game account to your discord account will earn you a free sapphire donator rank So what you want to do is ::discord and this should pop up. If you are curious as to what the donator benefits are; you can look at the discord you joined and find #donator-benefits in the knowledge base. MESSAGE ARRAV OR STAFF ON DISCORD OR INGAME TO CLAIM YOUR REWARD! Or by clicking HERE Voting If you want to make some quick cash when you just joined, I would recommend you to ::vote, when you vote on two different websites and do ::voted you will be able to claim 4 vote scrolls You can sell those 4 vote scrolls at the pos at home by talking to the POS manager or typing ::pos. Keep in mind that when the server reaches 10/10 votes, it will spawn a vote boss and from there you can get 2 more vote scrolls and a chance at vote pet, the vote pet will double your claimed votes when you have it on. Starting out The currency on this server is similar, but different than other servers, the currency is called “Gold”. This currency also has a secondary function that pops up Upgrade tiers when you click on it The first thing you want to buy is a collector's item, such as a collector necklace and ring. The reason this is recommended is because it is very bothersome to constantly pick up drops when you can just buy these and ease up your progress. The collector’s items will automatically bank your drops, they also give a very good early damage increase. The collector items should cost as low as 80-100k ea. The next thing you should buy from the pos with your current gold, is bones because you will want to have 99 prayer to use soulsplit and turmoil. Hint: A secret command is '::ref' that will give all new players starter goodies! After that type 'Arrav' You will only need to buy around 400+ bones to hit 99 prayer, it is quite cheap as you can see, always nice to get that done so you dont have to worry about it later. This is one of the optional buys that you can use with your Gold that you just got to help further your progress a bit faster, these weapons are called War mace (e), Craw's bow, and Primeval staff. You can pick one of these weapons to buy from the pos they average at around 80-300k. The stats on them vary but not much, they are all 2000-2.1k damage. Now you are all set to start grinding the starter phases, type ::train to get there. The phases are really simple, all you have to do is meet the kill requirement for each phase then move on to the next one. Starter Tasks Once you are all done with the starter phases, you can start working on your ::starter tasks. The starter tasks consist of 10 total tasks, once you complete all the tasks you will get a crystal chest which you open and you’ll receive a complete starter set up. The armor set has a total of 4,000 all stat bonuses and 50% drop rate. The weapons that you receive from the Arrav chest are optional, choose between whichever one you prefer. The weapons are all AoE. Zones Now to start off zones do ::zones or ctrl+z, the zone tier list has 13 different levels. You will have to complete the requirement before moving on to the next zone. You can keep track of how many kills you have on that npc by right clicking and looking at the drops, then look in your chat box it will tell how many kills you have. You may be thinking that the zone kill requirements are quite high and will take forever to complete. Well you don’t have to worry about that because you will improve in gear overtime and become much stronger hence the zones will become much faster. Achievements & Collection Log You can unlock achievements to earn different rewards, there are easy, medium, hard, and daily tasks. These tasks get harder as you progress but the rewards just get better and better. These achievements can be very profitable as shown in the picture, this is one of the hard tasks that you can work towards for this insane reward. The collection logs can be completed from killing the monster and collecting all the drops in that log, you will receive the reward for completing the log. There are a lot of insane rewards that you can get from completing some of these logs, so make sure to work towards the collection log over time as well. Recommended Starter Items The first thing I recommend you get is the Mythical cape. The Mythical cape gives unlimited prayer and that alone makes it OP to get as a starter. The Max pet gives x2 killcount and 10% drop rate. The most recommended way to get it is through the Gold shop located at home. But you can also obtain it from the in-game Arrav store shop for 50 points, or you can get it from the Max World boss. The infinite overload will give you 165 all combat stats, it is a huge upgrade to damage. The potion is an important item that you use all the way from beginning to endgame. It can be bought from the Gold shop or in-game Arrav store. The instance tokens that you get randomly from killing monsters is the best thing in the game, the instance tokens spawns an instance zone that only you will enter. Instance tokens can be used by clicking on them, it is best for doing zones but it is also very good to use for doing slayer, not all slayer monsters can be instanced though. The limit of kills you can kill in an instance token is 75, you can upgrade the instance to instance token (u) on Tier 1 of ::Upgrade World Bosses While you are chilling or doing your own thing in the game, you should always watch out for the World bosses. The best 3 bosses that you should always attend is the vote boss, ::nemesis, and ::sent The vote pet drops 2 vote scrolls, and you have a chance at the vote pet. The Nemesis drops Nemesis armor pieces, this is very mid to endgame gear and is worth a lot. The Cursed Sentinel World boss drops Sentinel armor pieces and Sentinel weapons, they are currently the 2nd BIS weapons and BIS armor. Upgrading The best way to upgrade Weapons/Armor as a starter is to buy or farm Zaros boxes from slayer tasks. the Zaros boxes are very cheap to buy from pos You can also upgrade any of the other items in your bank that can be upgraded If you want to learn more about Upgrading take a look at the Upgrading guide by clicking HERE Minigames These are 3 different minigames that you can enjoy and earn money from as a starter. Beginner Raid Unlock requirements 99+ Slayer For more in-depth guide to Beginner Raids click HERE Slayer Tasks Slayer is a very good constant money as you progress further in gear and in tasks. Slayer is also one of the requirements for the starter task so you’ll start off with medium tasks after you finish your starter tasks. The most valuable hard task is the Ancient warrior,Ancient ranger, and Ancient mage; they drop an item that will make the 2nd BIS boots. Those valuable tasks are something to work forward to as you progress through your gear and become stronger. Feel free to join the Discord.gg/Arrav for any more questions Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites