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1 pointHYBRID ARMOURS, NIHIL SHARD Radiant Sigil: Used to create Radiant armours & Tir. Quiver 4 Vanguard Armour: Melee armour with 40% Drop rate a piece Provides +20000 in Melee stats Provides a x1.3 Damage boost when the whole set is worn Can be obtained from Radiant Raids Trickster Armour: Ranged armour with 40% Drop rate a piece Provides +20000 in Ranged stats Provides a x1.3 Damage boost when the whole set is worn Can be obtained from Radiant Raids Battle-Mage Armour: Magic armour with 40% Drop rate a piece Provides +20000 in Magic stats Provides a x1.3 Damage boost when the whole set is worn Can be obtained from Radiant Raids Nihil Shard: Nihil Shard is obtained from the boss Nex Nihil Shard can be used to create the following items:
1 pointCommands Guide Player Commands ::home - teleports you to the home area ::melee - Teleports you to the melee NPCs with a shop of starting melee gear ::range - teleports you to the range NPCs with a shop of some starter range gear ::mage - teleports you the mage NPCs with a shop of starter mage gear! ::dr - shows your current droprate ::players - tells you how many players are online currently ::discord - opens up the discord of Asteria ::vote - links you to the vote page ::voted - claims your votes ::donate - opens up the online donator store! ::donated or ::claim - claims your donation from the store! ::dissolveall or (ctrl + d) dissolves all dissolvable items in your inventory ::ckeys - teleports you to the crystal chest ::whatdrops (item name) - tells you what NPCs drop that item ::dropmessage - removes the messages of drops going to your inv/bank ::help - requests assistance from the staff members online. ::yell - sends a global message in-game ::vasa2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Vasa area ::gemstone2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Gemstone Slayer dungeon ::cursed2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Cursed Slayer dungeon ::betrayed2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Betrayed Slayer dungeon ::odin2-6 - teleports you to a different level of the Blood Odins zone ::mega2-4 - teleports you to a different level of the Mega Avatar zone ::answer (message) - answer the trivia questions! ::afk - teleports you to the afk zone! ::guides - opens up the page of guides we have! ::updates - opens up our page of updates! ::setyelltitle - allows you to set a custom yell title Interface Commands ::kills - opens up the kill tracker interface ::pos - opens up the player owned shops interface ::teleport - opens up the monster teleports interface ::upgrade - opens up the upgrade interface ::slayer - opens up the progression book interface ::drops - opens the loot viewer interface for npcs ::collection - opens up the collection log interface ::itemstats - opens the list of item stats interface ::yt - opens up the YouTuber interface showing all the recently uploaded videos on YT ::train - opens up the starter interface with a few teleport options to train at! ::enterpin - opens interface to input your pin ::changepass - opens up an interface to change your password! ::setloginpin - allows you to set a pin if you don't have one! ::zones - opens the zone interface ::perks - opens up the perk system interface ::globals - shows you the timers of all global bosses ::bank or (ctrl + b) opens up your bank ($50 total claimed required) Shortcut Commands ctrl+h - Teleports Home ctrl+b - Opens Bank ctrl+p - Open POS ctrl+z - Opens Zones ctrl+t - Opens Teleports ctrl+a - Alchs ALL Inventory ctrl+u - Opens Upgrades ctrl+s - Opens Battle Pass ctrl+d - Opens Daily Tasks ctrl+c - Opens Collection Log Donator Commands ::zenyte - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Zenyte rank required) ::onyx - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Onyx rank required) ::diamond - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Diamond rank required) ::ruby - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Ruby rank required) ::emerald - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Emerald rank required) ::sapphire - teleports you to the zenyte donator zone (Sapphire rank required) ::enpcs - teleports you to a zone with Creepers and Skeletons (Ruby Rank required) ::snpcs - teleports you to a zone with Shukarhazh and Mini Zulrahs (emerald rank required)
1 pointHey IGN is goku, but my real name is Paul, From New Zealand & i've been playing RS/RSPS since 2005. Flick me a message in game and let's have some fun!! Glad to be here!. - Goku.
1 pointCurse of Arrav Quest: 1. Speak to Arrav at home and read the dialogue and once prompted, accept the quest 2. Go to Ali the Wise in Shantay pass and get an empty canopic jar 2.1 Teleport to Super Buu (teleport menu) and run north until you reach Shantay Pass 3. Go to the Apothecary and get Sacred oil 3.1 Teleport to Varrock and run South-West 4. Go to the Goblin village and pick dwellberries 4.1 Teleport to Falador and run North towards Goblin Village 5. Combine the ingredients into a full canopic jar 6. Return to Arrav to get teleported to Zemouregal's cave 7. Kill the Zombies until you receive a key to the room and fight Zemouregal 8. Return Arrav's heart and complete the quest! Quest Rewards Arrav Sword: The Arrav Sword is untradeable Arrav Sword has +21k stats and 25% Drop rate Arrav Shield: The Arrav Shield is untradeable Arrav Shield has +500 stats and 15% Drop rate Cursed Arrav Shield: Obtained by upgrading the Arrav shield through ::Upgrade The Cursed Arrav Shield is tradeable Cursed Arrav Shield has +1000 stats and 20% Drop rate
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1 pointG'day all I'm Resilience or Res for short. I just started playing this wonderful server yesterday and I'm extremely excited and keen on the grind and what more Asteria has to humble me with. Can't wait to play with y'all! 😎
1 pointHey guys, I just want to say that I’m really enjoying this server and I’ve decided that I’m going to commit 100% to helping it grow and reach its true full potential. That being said, what sort of content are you more interested in? I have experience in PVM and skilling, along with an extensive history of hosting/middlemanning. If you have any specific requests/ideas, please post them on this thread!!
1 pointHi everyone! I’m Ruben and I have to say, I’m excited to be here!! Just going to be a quick little intro. I’ve been playing RSPS’s for about 8 years now and have had a lot of experiences! I’ve held positions anywhere from “trusted middleman” to “Server Admin”. I’m pretty big into PVM and Gambling and will be starting my RSPS YouTube channel soon! Excited to see all that Asteria has to offer!!
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1 pointingame name:lobs age:21 past exp: was support on asteria and mod before roll back also played sophem and i was admin on there until server was shut down. brief desc: I like pvming and helpin out players play a lot have a good time. very into sports. why i would like to be appointed staff: mainly to help players and give the server what it needs. Q) You come on the discord to reports of someone playing loud music down their microphone. What would you do in this situation?: give them a warning and mod the chat if it continues mute them for 24 hr and check back in after. Q) You answer a call admin being told that someone is writing racial slurs in chat but no-one has a screenshot. What is your response to this?: hop online and see for myself in a undercover new account hop back on main and warn them if they are not compliment mute for 24 hr and check in after unmute. Q) You join the server and notice one of your fellow admins are abusing their powers, How do you react?: ask him whats going on and give zeke a heads up to have hime take it over with the owner but also keep a close eye before zeke can get there. A player on the server is telling people that she is an admin, and she has taken the name of another admin. What is your response to it?: warning if she does not listen it will result in being kicked offline until it does not happen anymore. You are watching a player that you believe is bug abusing the map, but you are unsure as to whether it is an actual bug or just part of the game. What do you do: test it myself if this so called "bug" happens to me ill know its not a bot just a glitch in the game and notified zeke. Q)you been banned on any server?if yes give us reason. no.
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